Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Problem With Insomnia....

Being 39 weeks pregnant is no of the worst sleep. What do I do with all this extra time on my hands? Mainly I browse Baby Center and read recent post from other people due in August. Somehow I stumbled across a post debating cloth vs. disposable diapers. This lead to me getting online and researching cloth diapering. This lead to me thinking that there are some really cute cloth diaper out there. This lead me to thinking that maybe I should use cloth diapers. I am sure that those of you that really know me are probably wetting yourself reading this...and yes I know that when I potty trained Makayla and Evan I have been known to throw the poopy underwear away because it grossed me out so much. The real problem is that I am nine months pregnant and have completely lost my mind...I can't help it. So after spending way too much time looking into cloth diapers and watching way too many Utube videos, I decided to try to get some sleep and figure it out in the morning. My conclusion...I am losing my mind...there are some things that I am not cut out for and cloth diapering is definitely on the list. I have got to have this baby out before I get any other brilliant deciding I want to have this baby drug free or try a home water birth. My favorite quote was from my mom, "You know I only used cloth diapers because I had no other options...they were really gross!"


Amy said...

Um, yeah, thats just crazy talk. :)

harada57 said...
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