Friday, November 13, 2009

Lapse In Judgement

No... you haven't clicked on the wrong blog... we got a puppy... I know, big shocker. Makayla has been wanting a puppy for a while, so Wes and I where thinking of getting the kids one for Christmas. After a lot of research, I found a great breeder, but she didn't have any litters available right at Christmas time, but she had just had a litter of chocolate brown puppies. The kids where so excited when we told them, but they still had to wait awhile, and then finally we were able to go and get him. We decided to name him Cooper. Wes said that since I was making him get a sissy dog, that he couldn't have a sissy name.
I was really nervous to get a puppy because I have never been 'in charge" of one before. So far he is the sweetest puppy I could have hoped for. He loves to cuddle, adores the kids, and so far hasn't even had any accidents (fingers crossed).


Bryan and Ashley said...

OH, how exciting...we are an aunt and uncle again!! :) He is soooo cute, but not nearly as cute as my actual neice and nephew!!

Melany said...

oh my gosh that is the cutest little dog i've EVER SEEN. and that last pic of makayla snuggling with him is so sweet.

Amy said...

Ok, Pearl is in LOVE with Cooper! She has to keep reminding herself that Max is cute too:) She wrote him a song... she's going to give it to Makayla to play for him!!!:)

J.Phipps said...

How does it make you feel that Cooper potty trained quicker than Evan?