Thursday, January 15, 2009


I decided to sign Makayla up for softball. She always loved going to her Aunt Megan's games. Plus lets face it, she is such a girl...I want to make sure she knows there is more out there than ballet, fairy princesses, and the color pink. When I told her I signed her up, she gave me a serious look and said, "You know Mom, you really should have asked me first." I am thinking that a couple of balls to the head might be good for her....batter up!


Someone that Matters (Bryan) said...

I laughed out loud! Ha! The softballs to the head sure didn't work for you . . . only made things worse. Oh well.

Megan said...

That is so cool. When does she start. Oh, have you taught her she needs to catch the ball...not run from it. :)

Melany said...

that sounds like an awesome idea. makayla might surprise us all and kick butt at sports. :)

J.Phipps said...

HA good post. Forget the Nutcracker! I'll go to her games and won't complain ; )